Food, glorious food.

I’ve come to the realization that I no longer have a newborn. You’re thinking, “Duh Lindsay. Colton is 5 months old.”

Sure, I know he rolls over and likes to sit up and talks to his sissy. But he’s still my little newborn! I only had him last week! Err, right…

Tonight? My eyes were opened to the truth.

Tonight? My youngest child ate rice cereal.

Let me try that again.

My youngest child ate rice cereal. And LIKED it.

I’m talking full-out, mouth-open-like-a-baby-bird, trying-to-reach-for-the-spoon, liked it.


Colton is 5 months old. I wanted to wait until he was 6 months before introducing “solids” (the rice cereal concoction we whipped up was more of a liquid), but because he hasn’t been sleeping well at night, we decided to go ahead and at least try it out. Maybe he’s just hungry, we thought.

Darn tootin’ he was hungry. It’s like the boy-child was starved and he’d never tasted anything so gloriously delicious.

{{Cleaning off Colton’s chin. PS. Derek just finished mowing the yard, that’s why he’s all dirty. My hubby doesn’t usually look like he’s rolled around in the dirt ;)}}

Overall, Colton loved it. He downed an entire bowl of rice cereal. A bowl, you guys. And he acted like he wanted more! He seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience, sitting up at the table with us, eating his dinner while we enjoyed ours. (Breakfast for dinner, in case any of you were wondering…) He was totally and completely ready for solids, and didn’t even grimace or spit out any of the bites. I’m so proud of my big boy!

Before I know it (21 years from now Colton, don’t get any ideas…), this is something we’ll be seeing.

Again, I say Waaaaahhhhhhhhh.

PS. It totally looks like he’s got a mouthful of beer, doesn’t it? Hehehe. But he doesn’t. Believe me, he doesn’t.

PPS. I have video of his first bites, but I can’t get them off the camera. Grrr… will add them later.

Adelyn is 2 years, 5.99 months old and Colton is 5 months, 3 days old.

Going Home

Okay, we are going back in time to when Colton was first born. Here are some pics of us finally leaving the hospital, and that first night at home.

So ready to be going home.

Colton says “Let’s do this.”

Addy checking out her new brother.

She was very sweet.

And very gentle.

Fixing his hair before taking him out of the carseat.

Tired parents.

Adelyn made sure everyone used hand sanitizer before holding her little brother.

Auntie Kim holding Colton.

Hehe, Colton was starting to fuss so Auntie Kim was sad.

Colton and Auntie Mikaela.

Colton and Grandpa Joe.

Millie was very curious about this new little person.

Adelyn held Colton and gave him big kisses.

Showing Colton a coaster with her picture in it.

First sponge bath at home. He slept through most of it.

Addy helped burp Colton. She wanted to get all up in the action… notice she’s sitting on the boppy?

Daddy and his lil’ man, ready for the first night at home.

Adelyn is 2 years, 2 mos old and Colton is 7 weeks, 2 days old.

Colton’s Birth Story

Friday, June 17. 6:30am:


ZZzzzzzzz-Wha-… what was that? Did I hear that or feel that? That was weird. P-squared must have kicked me really hard or something… Well, I gotta go pee. Wait a sec, why are my legs wet… did I… did I wet the bed???

::rolls out of bed and looks at mattress::

Yikes, that’s a big puddle. Why do I still have to pee?  Weird.

::Goes to bathroom, comes back to bed::

Me: Hey Babe?

Derek: Hmm?

Me:  I think I’m leaking.

Derek: {cracks eyes open, concerned} What?

Me: I think I’m leaking fluid. I don’t know… maybe my water broke?

After some discussion, we decided to make “The Call” to my Mom so she could start the drive from Austin.  Better be safe than sorry, right?

Derek got up and got ready for work and I crawled back in bed to get whatever rest I could.  Even after the contractions started, I still wasn’t convinced that it was my water that had broken.  Or that I was really in labor.  After all, my due date wasn’t for another 8 days. I’ll admit, I was scared of going to the hospital and having them turn us away because I wasn’t actually in labor.  I had the same fear when in labor with Addy.

I laid in bed for a while, eventually deciding to get up, shower and have breakfast.  All sorts of things were running through my head.

Should I call my doctor?
What if they want me to go to the hospital immeditaely?
What would I do with Addy, Mom won’t be here for another several hours…
We haven’t gotten the crib set up in our room yet.
Thank goodness we put the car seat base in the car.
I have to finish packing my hospital bag.
Do I have time to vacuum before my Mom gets here?

I woke Adelyn around 9am, savoring what could (and would) be our last morning as just the two of us. We spent the rest of the morning coloring, reading, doing last minute packing and riding out contractions that, honestly, were not too ridiculously painful. Derek came home around 11am and helped me with last minute things before my Mom showed up around noon.

Laboring on our bed while Addy drew pictures.

Instead of leaving immediately for the hospital after my Mom arrived, I got Addy’s lunch ready. Addy knew that we were getting ready for “Baby” to show up and she was so excited. She teared up when she realized that she wouldn’t be coming with us to the hospital right away, but luckily Grandma was able to distract her with a brand new book!

Last pic as a family of 3 until we meet P-squared.

Addy enjoying lunch with Grandma and a new book.

When Derek and I left the house at 1pm, I sent a text to my sisters saying “Thundercats are goooo!” (a quote from the movie Juno, when Juno goes into labor). Mikaela got it right away. But Kim? She laughed. I suspected she hadn’t caught the reference, so I followed up with a “we’re heading to the hospital, Mom’s watching Addy” text. She definitely caught on then! (Hehe, Love you Kam!)

The contractions were painful on the ride to the hospital, but not overwhelmingly so. I was starting to feel really nervous that maybe we were heading to the hospital too soon. Were my contractions slowing down? Getting less intense? I started to psych myself out. But when we arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later, it finally dawned on me that this was happening. The next time I got in the car, we’d have another child.

Derek and I weren’t sure what we were supposed to do, so we went right up to the Labor and Delivery floor. As we were getting on the elevator, all giddy and nervous and smiling, a young nurse got on with us and rode up to the same floor.

She looked at me and asked “Are you here to have a baby?” Yes.
“Did you check in downstairs?” Oh, no. Were we supposed to?
“We make anyone who is in labor ride up in a wheelchair.” Oh.

And then she dropped this gem:

“Are you sure you’re in labor?”

::blank stare::

Was it because I wasn’t hunched over, clutching Derek’s hand? Was I not grimacing enough? Hmm, maybe I actually wasn’t in labor…

Of course, we said yes, I’m in labor and we think my water broke. She accompanied us to the L&D wing, where another nurse escorted me to a triage room to be checked out. Poor Derek was taken back downstairs to fill out paperwork. During the 45 mins that he was gone {I know! 45 mins for paperwork?!}, I had bloodwork done and was checked for dilation and effacement (5 cm, 80% effaced) and it was verified that my water had indeed ruptured! Side note: To check for amniotic fluid, they use a slip of paper kind of like a pH test. Unfortunatley, the lubricant they use when checking dilation and effacement makes can make the test inaccurate. So after getting no results from the slip of paper, my nurse, Jelaine {sweetest nurse ever!} used a Q-tip-like device…up there… and had to swab for a.solid.minute in order to get an accurate result. Voila! Test showed water had definitely ruptured.

So there, nurse-in-elevator! I was definitely in labor and deserved to be there.

By 2pm, Derek was finally through with the registration process and had rejoined me in the room. My contractions were painful but not excruciating, and they varied from 5-7 mins apart, but we decided to start the process of getting the epidural (it took over an hour and a half to get the painkiller train moving with Adelyn’s labor). We had to explain to the anesthesiologist the problems we had last time with the epidural {namely, the membrane around the spinal cord was punctured, leaving me with a spinal headache, a blood patch to try to fix the problem and then being practically bed-ridden for over a week after Addy was born}. By the time I had to sit up for the epidural to be administered, the contractions were becoming more painful and I had started to shake. Shivering uncontrollably but not being cold is a weird sensation…

So, 2:50pm, I’m getting the epidural. I have no fear of needles and I was looking forward to being more comfortable, but when the catheter went in, I could feel that it wasn’t perfectly in the middle. It felt like it was angled to the left but I didn’t want to be that woman and complain. {Note to self: BE that woman if it happens again} The contractions kept coming and the pain was starting to dull on my left side, but not on my right.

Numb, heaviness on my left side and left leg.

Intense pain on my right.

By 3:40pm, it was clear that the epidural wasn’t working on my right side. The anesthesiologist said sometimes people get hotspots where the epidural just doesn’t kick in. When I told him that none of my right side was numb, including the leg, he gave us two suggestions: redo the epidural (risks: puncturing the spinal membrane, the epi still not working on the right side – or worse, both sides) or try some other drug to take some of the pain away. We decided to redo the epi, so at 4:20pm, he put a new epi in. This time it felt much more centered in my spine (is it weird that I could feel that?), so I took that as a good sign. Unfortunately, while both my legs went numb, I could suddenly feel everything that was happening in my uterus. Contractions? Oh ya. Pain like I’ve never experienced before (I felt nothing at the end of the labor with Addy. I had been literally and completely numb from the belly down). Of course by this time, they had started me on very low dose pitocin to regulate the contractions and, man, was it effective.

4:45pm: I was ~9 cm dilated, 90% effaced. Contraction after contraction hit. Every 1 1/2 minutes I was sent into a moaning, writhing fit. I suddenly felt like I needed to push. My body just knew what to do. Every time a contraction came, I pushed. And honestly? The pushing helped. I don’t know if it actually felt better or if it just took my mind off the pain of the contraction, but all I know is that pushing helped.

At 5:05pm, we prepped the room for delivery. My OB came in and watched as I pushed. I kept pushing, waiting for her to tell me what to do, but my body took care of that instead. I pushed and out came P-squared’s head. My OB came forward and said “Oh, he’s so handsome!” {note: she didn’t know the sex of the baby either but told us later that P-squared just looked like a boy} and then said “Okay, one more push.”

I pushed.

P-squared’s shoulders came out, and then there he was.

5:22pm. All 7 lbs 11 oz, 21 inches of him. That dark head of hair, just like his sister’s.

And I cried tears of joy.

Derek cut the umbilical cord, and then they whisked our son away to be cleaned up and have his stats taken.

Straight legs! No longer in Momma’s belly!

Then they handed him off to Derek, the proudest Daddy in the whole wide world.

First photo of Colton with Momma and Daddy.

Colton and Momma getting to know each other.

My family arrived later that evening, and Adelyn got to meet her little brother for the very first time. She was very curious and seemed to understand that this was “Baby”, and he wasn’t in Momma’s belly anymore.

Such a sweet big sis.

Colton and Grandma Lo

Colton and Grandpa Joe

Colton and Auntie Kim

Colton and Auntie Mikaela

Great-Grandmother Dollins (Derek’s Grandmother)

Great-Grandmother and Great-Granddad Dollins

We didn’t have a name picked out for our little man, and although we had 3 or 4 names that we liked, it took two days to finally decide. As it turns out, “Colton” wasn’t even on our list. Oh, we had considered it in passing, but we didn’t write it down. But as I was nursing our boy at 3am that first night, I looked down at him and the name “Colton” just struck me. He looked like a “Colton”.

I told Derek and we thought about it, trying to get a feel for it. We didn’t want to rush into anything and then regret our choice a month down the line. By the next day, we just knew that it fit him. And now, I can’t even picture him as anything but Colton Derek.

This labor and delivery was so different than with Adelyn. Faster, more intense, even more emotional. But just as awe-inspiring. To know that a brand new little person has just joined the world, by way of ME, is an incredible thing. And to know that your heart can instantly double in size when you first lay eyes on this little person, your little person… well, it makes everything feel right in the world.

Welcome to our family, sweet baby Colton!

Adelyn is 2 years, 2 months old and Colton is 6 weeks old.

Colton Derek Zivney

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our son, Colton Derek Zivney, born June 17th, 2011 at 5:22pm! He weighed 7lbs 11 oz, was 21 inches long and, just like Adelyn, had a full head of dark hair! Actually, we think he looks almost exactly like Addy did when she was first born. 🙂

I will write up a post about the birth story soon! Right now, we are soaking up fresh-baked baby snuggles and enjoying being a family of 4. So far, Adelyn loves her baby brother and has been very sweet with him. She even gives him kisses 🙂

Our thanks to everyone for their support and well-wishes!! Tons more pics to come soon, I’m sure!

Adelyn is 2 years, 3 weeks old and Colton is 1 day old.

Adelyn’s 2nd birthday

Hey, didya hear?

Our daughter turned TWO!!!! I can hardly believe it. But then I realize, “well, we are about to have a second child” and maybe I can believe it. She is turning into such a big girl.

So, let me tell you about her birthday party! Her theme? This didn’t take too much thought. Addy loves the movie Finding Nemo. Loooooves it. And because Addy was born at the end of May when temperatures are a million degrees, we have to have water present at her party, right? So an Under The Sea theme was perfect. I did some research, started planning early, and with {a ton} of help from my family, I’d say the party went off without a hitch!


To begin, I want to show y’all some of the decor:

I made this life preserver to welcome our guests when they first arrived at our house. Super easy to make! I used a styrofoam ring (Hobby Lobby), took my trusty hot glue gun and glued red and white felt around the ring. I found some white cord and twisted it to act as the accent rope, and then used black puff paint to write out our name. Voila! Life preserver for an underwater party!

Part of the indoor decor, inspired by this cute birthday party. Again, easy to do – blue tulle (Hobby Lobby), a couple different shades of blue balloons (local dollar store), blue table cloth (dollar store), colorful fish (Oriental Trading Co.), inflatable octopus (Hobby Lobby) and a few handmade starfish (thanks Mikaela!)

Part of the outside seating area. More blue tulle (Hobby Lobby), fishing nets (Oriental Trading Co.), wooden turtle bowl (already owned), large clam shells (already owned) and small shells collected from the beach during our trip to Florida!

Goodie bags! I decorated the little blue totes bags (Target, 3/$1) using felt and iron-on adhesive. I designed with the little underwater critters myself, and had fun doing it! My favorite is the whale 🙂 Filled with Goldfish, underwater shaped fruit snacks, fishy bubbles, and fishy squirt toy.

We also had a bubble machine at the party (best $8 I’ve spent in a long time!), two inflatable pools and a sprinkler ring. Oh yes, and a gigantic whale that my Dad inflated with his very own lungs. Seriously. It was gigantic. Right Dad?

And although this may not interest anyone, I’d like to remember it: Menu included grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, chips and salsa, tortellini pasta salad, fruit salad, and of course, CAKE!


And now, the rest of the pics from the day: preparation thru party!

My family arrived several hours before the party to help me finish up with the decorating and food prep (you know, since I was 36 weeks pregnant and all…). Thank goodness for their help! Poor Derek was already running around doing last minute things, so it was great to have the 8 extra hands to help out.

Mikaela was in charge of the fruit salad.

Mom was busy working on decorating Addy’s underwater cake.

Poor Dad was tasked with blowing up the ginormous whale. (You will be happy to know, Dad, that the whale is still inflated!)

Kim was at my beck and call in terms of decorating (so was Mikaela after she was through with the fruit salad). “I think that fish needs to go over there. A little higher. More balloons. Hmm, maybe try putting another tack over there?” Way to go, sisters.


Even the birthday girl got in on the preparation action, helping to fill up the pools.

She’s so excited!!

Fill ‘er up, Daddy.

Addy also had to make sure the lemonade was sweetened and stirred just right.

Auntie Kim giving P-squared a little lovin’.

Let’s get this party started! Addy had a good time splashing in the pools, even though some of the recipients of said splashing may not have enjoyed it as much (sorry Kenna!).

Addy and a beached whale. See?? GIGANTIC!!!!

Our neighbor, Hannah Clare, just enjoying her ring!

Addy’s 2nd cousin, Kenna, playing with the inflatable underwater creatures. I think those were a hit!

Benjy and Addy chasing the bubbles.

Wheeee, whales are fun!

Daddy, the chef. 🙂

Running through the sprinkler ring with lil’ Matt.

Basically the entire party! A fun group of people 🙂

Gracie, Addy and lil’ Matt in the “big kid” pool.

My mom, Grandma Lo, with Great-Grandmother and Great-Granddad Dollins.

Thinking about what a fun time she’s having.

Checking out the fishies with Daddy.

Is it time for cake yet?!?!?!

Check out the awesome cake my Mom made! A graham cracker and kitkat pier, swedish fish, gummy sharks, gummy lifesavers, raisinets, …she even used fondant to make Nemo, the jelly fish, starfish, turtle and seagulls! It was awesome 🙂

Blowing out the candles!

The cake was definitely approved.

The one “mishap” at the party? We forgot to hand out the goodie bags. ::facepalm:: After all that work too. Luckily everyone lived nearby (except little Kenna June, who came all the way from Dallas!) so we were able to hand them out over the next few days. Don’t worry, KJ, we’ve still got your goodie bag!

All in all, I’d say it was a great party and I think everyone had a fun time! Adelyn was given all sorts of neat and wonderful gifts, so she has lots to keep her busy and entertained when P-squared gets here. Thanks everyone for coming and sharing Addy’s special day with us!

I have more pics from the rest of the weekend, but that will be in a separate post. Right now, Momma needs a nap. 😉

Adelyn is 2 years, 3 weeks old and I am 38 weeks, 5 days pregnant.

“Spilled milk” adage not applicable to pregnant lady.

I cried today because Addy accidentally knocked over her glass of milk.

Stupid, I know, but the thought of having to mop it up, pull the table apart to clean between the cracks, then get down on the floor to mop THAT up was just so… daunting. So I had myself a little cry. And Addy just looked at me like “Pull yourself together woman.” She did give me a kiss though, because she doesn’t like it when I cry (Hmmm, I guess I’ve been a bit hormonal this pregnancy…).

In other news, our gender poll is on equal ground now! The number of “boy” guesses has been way ahead up until today when the “girl” guesses finally caught up. So, P-squared, when will you make your appearance so we can settle the debate??

And to finish off this short post, here are a couple pics of Addy and Daddy. We had a fun outing yesterday and met Derek for lunch at Chilis! Was a nice change from our usual lunch routine, and Adelyn clearly loved spending lunchtime with Daddy. 🙂

Oh ya, I have to sit down and do Addy’s 2nd birthday party post… gotta do that before P-squared arrives! Ahhh!

Adelyn is 2 years, 3 weeks old and I am 38 weeks, 4 days pregnant.

I swear…

Overheard at lunch today:

Me: I have to go pee. Again. (I’d gone not 15 mins earlier)
Derek: So go…
Me: I don’t want to.
Derek: Why not?
Me: Because I’m tired of going to the bathroom.

My need to pee has increased about a hundred-fold over the past 24 hours. I kid you not, I have maybe 10-15 mins of reprieve before I feel like I have to go again… I practically make more trips to the bathroom in an hour than I care to in a day. And like I said above, I’m genuinely tired of going to the bathroom. I get up 3 or 4 times a night, so there’s no break there. Anyway, I just noticed this increase in frequency today so my guess is that P-squared has started to drop. I don’t remember this quite as vividly with Adelyn, but I’m sure this happened then too.

::sigh:: And with that, I’m off to the bathroom before my nap. Because laying down only to get up 2 seconds before I fall asleep just to empty my bladder?

That’s just plain torture. Especially when it takes a crane to get me out of bed.

End of complaint.

I am 38 weeks, 3 days pregnant and I feel the need. The need to pee.

38 weeks + belly videos!

Less than 2 weeks left until my due date!

You know, I was thinking. This late in the pregnancy, the belly is kind of like a ticking bomb. At any moment I could start getting contractions. Or lose my mucous plug (sorry, TMI?). Or have my water break (unlikely, but hey, it could happen). At any moment, we could just go into labor and then things will change forever. I mean, they’ve already changed forever, but until P-squared is on the OUTSIDE of my belly, we’re still just a family of 3. Does that make sense? Maybe my pregnancy brain isn’t thinking clearly, but it makes sense to me… So anyway, we have a list of “To-Do” items before P-squared arrives and we’ve been steadily checking them off. I think we have most of the big things taken care of, but I’d love to see the list finished before the big event. I love the feeling of crossing items off a list! See?
38 week blog post. Done!

Sleep has been rough lately. I have to get up once every 1.5 hrs to go pee AND drink water. I can’t just not drink water to keep myself from having to get up, because I’m thirsty in the middle of the night! I guess this is good preparation for when P-squared will be nursing every few hours. At least I’m still getting to take a nap with Addy during the day. I only have a handful of days left to do that, so I’m definitely taking advantage of nap time! You know it’s a good nap when you wake up and your cheek is wet because you were drooling. 🙂

Not very many people have voted on our gender poll on the sidebar of this ol’ blog so far, but I have heard many a guess from random strangers when we’re out. The overwhelming consensus? “You’re carrying so low, it must be a boy!” My (thought) response? Of course I’m carrying low, I’m all stretched out from carrying baby #1! One lady even told me “It’s going to be a boy, because I know that’s what you want since you have a daughter already.” Hmm, okay lady. Well I like having a girl, so I wouldn’t mind having another one too. The comments don’t really bother me, actually. It’s funny, I don’t seem to remember people commenting about my belly as much last time. But that may be because we lived in {gigantic and impresonal} Houston, and now we’re in a small town where strangers are more friendly/outgoing. Who knows…

And now, the real question: what gender does Addy think P-squared will be?

Oh, and here are some fun belly videos you might enjoy, finally taken last week at 37 weeks, 2 days pregnant!

P-squared does not like to be poked. Skip ahead to ~0:45sec to see the real action… we woke the monster!

Kickin’, just letting Momma know who’s the boss.

Adelyn is 2 years old, 2 weeks old and I am 38 weeks, 2 days pregnant.

Florida! Pt. 3

The final installment (it’s about time!)

{Florida! Pt 1. and Florida! Pt 2.}


Day 6
Exciting morning! We watched the very last launch of the space shuttle Endeavour… from Pops and Gram Z’s house! While we couldn’t actually see the shuttle take off (we watched that part on the TV), we looked out about 15 seconds after take-off and could see the shuttle rocketing upwards. SO neat! And something to check off my bucket list. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the pool, of course.

Ready to witness the final launch of Endeavour!

Dan was able to zoom in with his awesome camera and snap this shot. How neat is this?!

Watching the Endeavour go after we lost sight of it.

The aftermath. Amazing!

And now, back to the water! Testing the temperature…

Working the controls.

She turned the bubbles on all by herself. Yayyyyy!

Talk about jumping in with your eyes closed!

Working on her foot work with Daddy.

Nice shot of Derek and Gram Z. Too bad Addy wasn’t paying attention. Again, too busy with the hot tub controls.

Addy and Gram Z playing!

Taking a moment to unwind by reading nursery rhymes with Daddy.

Looking at pictures on Gram Z’s camera.

Day 7
Going home. Luckily our flight was an evening flight, so Pops, Addy and Momma were able to spend one last chunk of time in the pool while Daddy and Gram Z played a round of golf 🙂

Addy liked to march around the ledge of the hot tub.

Addy and Pops!

Ready, get set…


Saying goodbye to Bobby the bookworm. We had a great trip!!

Thanks, Pops and Gram Z, for having us over! It won’t be too long before we’re back again (plans for Thanksgiving in FL), but Addy may be disappointed to find out that the pool might not be warm enough for her daily swim. That’s what the hot tub is for, right?! 🙂

Adelyn is 2 years, 2 weeks old and I am 37 weeks, 4 days pregnant… but I was only 34 weeks on this trip…

37 weeks

Addy helped me sort through some of her old newborn stuff this past week, picking out all the gender-neutral clothes that we had first bought for her. We washed all of that and now it sits in one of our dresser drawers (since P-squared will be in our room for a while at the beginning), so at least now if it turns out that P-squared is a boy, he’ll have something to wear for the first few days! Adelyn also helped me sort through my closet… organizing, rearranging, purging all the stuff in there. It was quite a job, but she was so helpful. 🙂 I think she is getting excited about P-squared coming soon because she gets super happy to help us do anything for “Baby”. She’s going to be a great big sis!

I’ve been getting some painful, uncomfortable contractions lately. I guess I’m just getting all ready for the big show! I also can’t eat as much now and I’ve actually felt nauseous a few times over the past couple of days. Room in my torso = nill. I STILL haven’t done a belly video yet… I’ve got to make sure I do one before P-squared arrives! Don’t forget to cast your vote for BOY or GIRL!

Adelyn is 2 years old and I am 37 weeks, 2 days pregnant.