Monthly Update – 2 mos old

Colton is 2 months old!

I took him in for his 2 month check-up today while Derek stayed home with Addy. I could have brought Addy along, but a) she already hates the dr. and b) Colton was getting his shots, which means ear.piercing.screams were in order. And he delivered. So how did he measure up? {tee hee, get it? measure up?} He’s 24 inches long (86th percentile) and weighs 12 lbs (60th percentile). What a growing boy!

At 2 months old, Colton:

  • Sleeps 5-7 hrs at a stretch during the first leg of the night. This? Is simply wonderful. I don’t think Adelyn slept that long until she was… a year. Ha, I jest. But not really. {Just checked back, she started sleeping through the night around 7 mos, and was getting up 3-4x a night before that… }
  • Eats every 3 hours or so during the day, goes longer in between feedings at night.
  • Smiles and coos when we talk to him. He has the brightest smile, it just lights the room.
    • Will hold onto his toy keys when placed in his hands. Flings them around and seems to like the noise they make when they clack together.
    • Hates tummy time. Hates it. Addy used to enjoy it, but Colton lays there with his head to one side and cries.
      • That being said, he loves to be up on your shoulder, working on his neck strength. His favorite position to be held in is high up on someone’s shoulder so he can look around.

    • Loves Adelyn. When she talks to him and plays with him, he fixates on her and smiles. Or in this case, sticks his tongue out!
    • Enjoys being outside even though it’s so hot we usually come in all sweaty.

    Adelyn is 2 years, 2 months old and Colton is 2 months old.

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