Early 2012 Photo Dump

I keep a folder of photos on our desktop that are just waiting for a blog post. Some have a general theme, some are just random cute pics. I looked in it today and found a ton of Addy photos from the beginning of the year (Seriously. February.) and I honestly can’t remember if I ever posted them. So now I’m just going to put them all up in one big post for you to enjoy. I suppose I could call this post “Things Adelyn liked to do at the beginning of 2012.” (because, you know, I think that was the topic I was trying to work on…). So enjoy lots of pics of Addy, a few of Colton and some other randoms tossed in there for good measure. 🙂

Building block towers. (Feb 2012)

And then knocking them down.

Washing her car. (Feb 2012… I know! February, washing her car? Welcome to TX.)

Going for walks in her tutu. (Feb 2012)

Feeding the ducks. (Feb 2012)

Colton was hungry too.

Taking a ride. (Feb 2012)

Daddy time. (March 2012)

Zoo Fun. (March 2012)

Popsicles. (March 2012)

Swings with Great Grandmother Dollins. (March 2012)

Bluebonnets! (March 2012)

Goggles. (March 2012)

Naps in the car. (April 2012) {{Isn’t this funny? Same poses for both kids.}}

Looking sweet. (April 2012)

Watering her plants. (April 2012)

Helping Momma cut Daddy’s hair. (April 2012)

Being silly. (March 2012)

And last, but not least, Colton’s cheeks. Nom. (May 2012)

Okay, early 2012 is officially done. Next up, the second half of the year.

Adelyn is 3 years, 3.5 months old and Colton is 14.75 months old.