How do I love thee, Pinterest? Let me count the ways…

It’s evening. The kids are in bed and I finally have a moment to myself. I grab a snack, maybe a cup of tea, and then settle down to indulge in my latest obsession.


In a word, Pinterest is awesome. It’s a “virtual pinboard” where you can visually keep track of everything you love on the internet. Find a neat idea for a wedding bouquet? Pin it to your “Wedding” board. Find a fun craft you can do with a toddler? Pin it to your “Babies and Toddler” board. Yummy new recipe? “Delicious” board. Love that belt? “My style” board. Oooh, a DIY cakestand! Pinned to your “DIY” board. Want to remember cleaning tips? Organization tricks? Pinned. And not to mention, you can look at what other people have pinned on similar boards and then repin the things you like!

To say that I am addicted to pinterest… ok, well, that may be an accurate description. I mean, just look at the things you can find thru pinterest!

Inspiration for our future home:




Splash pad!


Fun things for kids:


{We actually did this project, using glow in the dark paint and mason jars. While our jars didn’t glow quite as brightly as the jars above, Addy had fun splattering the paint and loved to run into Colton’s room (where it was dark) with her “tars” to see them glow.}





How cute would Colton look in this Halloween costume?!?!


And Addy, the Hobbit?


So, as you can see, there is an insane amount of stuff you can find of Pinterest. No wonder I’m obsessed, right? Every time I log in, there are new and exciting pins for me to peruse. Some of them are fluff – a fun quote, a pretty picture. Others are more intriguing – descriptions of natural phenomenon, handy organization tips, things that make you go “Why didn’t I think of that??”. No matter what I’m looking for, Pinterest has delivered, and I felt like I just had to share my love of Pinterest with y’all!

If you’d like to join the Pinterest scene, let me know and I will send you an invite.

PS. Click here to check out my Pinterest boards.

Adelyn is 2 years, 3.5 mos old and Colton is 2 months, 3 weeks old.

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